Don't be Sorry, be Better

Don't be Sorry, be Better
Photo by Shuken Nakamura / Unsplash

I normally try to share directly from the bible and use it as inpiration for my blogs. I genuinely believe that God speaks best when I can use what He's showing me.

While I can think of scripture to use for this, this is my personal feelings/opinions/thoughts today. So let me be clear, this is not scripturally based.

Now, that said, some of the things I am thinking about have to do with scripture and what God has done and is doing in my life.

With the PSA out of the way lets continue.

I have a good friend (if you are reading this, you know who you are) who always says "Don't be sorry, be better."

It's tempting to either be defensive or think you already have it together and can therefore ignore. However, the more he has said it, the more I realize that it's true we can be better at many things.

I have been feeling a sense of disquiet, whether it's because of my wife and her level of disquiet, or it's God trying to get my attention I am not sure at this present juncture. I have also been feeling like life and it's routine is dragging on. Day after day, week after week. I feel discontent in my job, I feel discontent in my relationships, and in so many ways.

We so often, especially in American Christian culture, talk but have no follow through.

We see, but are not seen. We "know" but are not known. It hurts me that the deepest relationship with anyone I have besides my wife is with a person who talks to me all the time, but doesn't really know me. The next person who talks the most to me thought what I did to help him was what I do for a career. It hurts to be seen and not heard sometimes. But instead of allowing that hurt to drive me away, or drive me to anger, it's driving me towards a new path.

I am going to be better, not sorry. I am going to endeavor to be the kind of friend I want to have in my life and then teach my sons how to do the same.